
Cassacatiza Outreaches and Seminar, Feb 2025


The Wheresoever Tete team held a 2-day Leader Seminar at Cassacatiza, a small town in Mozambique near the Zambia border.  The seminar was supported by local outreaches, reaching the lost and also training the seminar students to reach out. Initially the seminar had 182 attendees.  On the second day, as word got around, there were 235 pastors and leaders including two local government officials.  There were 14 local churches represented at the seminar.


The seminar and outreaches bore much fruit, with 157 persons dedicating their lives to Jesus and a new Zion Spirit church being planted at nearby village Thekessa, pastored by one of the seminar attendees. At the end of the activities, the pastors were enthusiastically asking Wheresoever to return as soon as possible, offering to pay 75% of the cost.  They recognized that the activities brought much unity between the churches, which the government officials greatly appreciated.  This is quite important since there is no Pastors Fraternal in this area. Throughout most of Mozambique, but not in this area, each town or set of villages forms what the call a Pastors Fraternal, which brings together key pastors who then are the official source of information to the government.


Outreaches / Crusades


Dedicating their Lives to Jesus