
Moses and Eunice Have a Baby Boy, Nov 2015

This is a time for celebration. On Nov 27th, Comfort Blessed Chimwaza was born to Pastors Moses and Eunice, who have been a key part of Wheresoever for many years, and they have now formally started Wheresoever in Malawi. This calls for special rejoicing because they have been praying for a baby for six years now, and they have experienced some serious and painful difficulties along the way. But God is Good, He has answered the prayer of many intercessors across two continents.

Comfort weighed 3.2 kg (7 lbs.) when he was born. Mother and baby are both fine, and I think Moses is still dancing. The delivery was by caesarean section which can sometimes be challenging in Malawi but we praise God that in this case it did not pose any problems. Eunice is due to return home from the hospital this Thursday, December 3rd. Moses and Eunice greatly appreciate your prayers, especially during Comfort's very early life. Even though the delivery costs at a Malawi hospital are modest (the equivalent of a few hundred dollars), they are struggling to cover those costs and would welcome any financial help they could get.