The very first "GO" trip that the Holy Spirit sent Lindy on way back in 2000 was to Iceland. Through her prayer and other activities, we believe the spiritual temperature has been affected. Now YWAM is spending some time focusing on this country in order to strengthen it. Because of her background there, Lindy felt a strong need to take part in this.
Excerpt from Danny’s Report / Prayer Requests, Oct 17 2013
Lindy arrived in Iceland yesterday afternoon, where she will stay until Oct 22, wo
rking with YWAM in an effort to rekindle the love of Christ in capital city Reykjavik. The event is called "Eye On Reykjavik".
Those of you with very long memories may remember that Iceland was the first "GO Trip" that the Holy Spirit sent Lindy on way back in 2000. She feels like some of the spiritual growth there may have been related to the prayer sown into that city so many years ago, so decided to go back to reinforce it. When she arrived there yesterday, expecting to sleep in the floor of a church outside the city, she was allowed to sleep in a bed right in town at the Salvation Army Guest House. But this needs prayer as she was not sure if it was just for one night or for the duration, and also not sure of the financial implications. So please join us in prayer.