Mozambique - Easter Activities, April 2011
The Wheresoever team in Mozambique was very busy during the weeks coming up to Easter. God was blessing their work with much fruit. It's interesting that the month started with an unplanned interdenominational service where the Holy Spirit was obviously present in a very powerful way. So often we are prepared for His service at special times like this, the team was energized a, prepared and anointed for service. This is a summary overview of the activities.
There were a number of outreaches in different villages not too far from our mission base. Two of the villages were Mphimbi and Chimwala.
In Mark 16:15-16 Jesus said to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Those who believe shall be saved - that's what you see in the picture. The team was on the way to Mphimbi village to share the Gospel when the Holy Spirit caused us to stop in the bush and minister to this family. They were shocked to hear that God loved them and sent Jesus to die for them. They asked "why has it taken such a long time? So many of our fathers and relatives have died before hearing this. We thought that we are not counted in the Kingdom of God because we are born in the bush, uneducated and poor." This made the team break out in tears as the Holy Spirit empowered us to speak the Word in boldness. They were convinced and touched. The head of the family said how amazing this is, and how he wished that all his relatives and parents were alive to receive this life. As you see in the picture, everyone has raised hands as Pastor Kenneth leads them to Jesus according to Romans 10:9. Thank you so much for all the prayers that are helping this team reach the unreached with the Gospel. In this place we found five orphans that cannot go to school as nobody wants to help them - we'll see what we can do. |
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This woman was sick together with her child, neither one could eat, walk or do anything. The team went to her house to pray and instantly she was healed and was able to sit upright. This is another confirmation of the Word of God that says that signs and wonders shall follow those who believe. The child had many sleepless nights and now is sleeping. In response to this the Mphimbi village people gathered to hear the Word of God as Cesario, full of anointing, preached. | |
 | At the end of the crusade, there were many deliverances, some from witchcraft, others from all kinds of addictions and problems. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully and the demons manifested and were cast out. In this picture you see some of them regaining their senses after gaining their freedom. | |
A seminar of Foursquare pastors was held at the Wheresoever premises from 3/18/2011 through 3/22/2011. It was the second seminar out of four required to be licensed as a Foursquare pastor in Mozambique. 68 leaders attended the seminar, very impressive because not that long ago there were not any Foursquare pastors or churches in this area. There are now 30 churches. We had 3 Foursquare missionaries who live in Chimoio which is a 6 to 8
hour drive south of here in another province. Their names are Hosana, Jairus and Emanuela. Other pastors that came with them were the son of Jairus, Neva (deputy leader of Foursquare Mozambique), and Fernando from Brazil.
Funding for the seminar came from Foursquare Chimoio, the local Foursquare Church in Vila Ulongue, and Wheresoever Ministries. We thank God that so many pastors, churches and ministries that are so interested in helping the Christians be discipled in a better way. All the leaders and missionaries were given a bed to sleep by Wheresoever. The rest slept on the floor on straw mats.
There were two classes, one in the church and the other in the Sunday School room. Hosanawas teaching the church class and Jairus and his wife were teaching the class in the youth room. The seminar was a blessing and God was with us. Every evening we had church services. Many people were attending and about 50 people came to Jesus that week at the services.
There were 21 Foursquare churches represented out of the 30 in the area. 

On the Sunday at the end of the Foursquare Pastor Seminar we brought together at the mission base part of the congregations from many of the Foursquare churches within reach. We call these Big Sundays and try to do them monthly. Many people come from as far as Tete, a 4-hour drive on the back of a truck. They are great celebrations with great praise, worship, testimonies and preaching. You can see from the pictures that the church is overflowing, so good to see when you realize that most of the people were not Christians four years ago.
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One side of the church | The other side |
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Praying for healing | Full church |
All churches in Vila Ulongue came together on the Easter march. All the churches gathered at the Wheresoever mission base and started marching around the municipality. As they marched they were shouting "Mozambique, Angonia and Vila Ulongue for Jesus". We had many stops with different pastors preaching in turns. The Spirit of God moved powerfully, people were being healed from different diseases after being prayed for. It was wonderful to see people coming to the Lord after hearing that Jesus died for them because He loves them. 260 people received Jesus at the small market, and 600 received Jesus at Ngwenya, the big market, since it was market day. 85 more received Jesus at the village of Maphiri and 40 more in the prison. We were singing and dancing for God with the music equipment playing loud. This all made people run to see and hear the Word of God.
At another beer place Bairo Polici drunkards left their beers behind and followed us to church while dancing, now they are coming to church. The Land Rover carried the equipment on top, may God bless all those who donated so that we could buy the Land Rover to work for the Kingdom of God. See the pictures, my camera battery was flat.