Danny was joined for this part of the ministry trip by five persons: two Brazilian evangelists, one lives in Mississippi and the other in Bolivia; and three Americans who live in Mississippi (Jean Marc Monteiro de Oliveira, Clelio Soares, Reggie Wilson, Shannon Moore and David Phillips).
The trip concentrated on the mountains of Macanga and at Vila Ulongue, the Wheresoever Mission Base. The glory of God was evident throughout the journey, with many healings and deliverances as you will see below. There were over 2,000 decisions for Christ during the two weeks.
Below is a summary of the trip taken from reports written during the trip.
From email report 10/22:
We’re safely back at the mission base in Mozambique, after picking up the next two western team members at the airport in Malawi. We are now with Pastors Jean Marc and Clelio, very active Brazilian pastors/evangelists. One of them now lives in Mississippi and the other one pastors a church in Bolivia. Both are fluent in Portuguese (very handy in Mozambique) and Spanish (good thing or my communication with them would be very short and concise), both have limited English.
Today and tomorrow afternoon we will hold crusades near Angonia/Tsangano, not too far from the base. This morning we will talk to the pastors who have provided a list of villages that currently have no church and at least one of the pastors is willing to plant a church there. So we will pray over the list, discuss and decide the locations today. In the evenings today and tomorrow groups from the local churches are getting together for prayer, intercession, praise and worship, asking the Holy Spirit to open doors and hearts during the next couple of weeks.
The team goes off to Macanga on Saturday. Kenneth and myself will not go with them the first half of Macanga because we need to go back to Malawi to pick up the other 3 Americans from Mississippi who come in the 27th. Sunday the team will spread among the Macanga churches and bless them. Monday/Tuesday will be the first half of the Macanga seminar with crusades in parallel, and Thursday/Friday will be the second half. Wednesday is off because of the Mozambique presidential elections (part of the team will need to come back to Vila to vote). So the whole team including Kenneth, the 3 Americans and myself will be together during the second half of Macanga and follow-on ministry. On Sunday we will have another Big Sunday celebration where we will get together about 8 of the Foursquare new churches that have been started near the mission base (I was surprised that the number of new Foursquare churches in the province has now grown to 21). Then later Sunday and Monday there will be additional crusades and hopefully new churches started back near the base (within a 2-hr drive). The Brazilians and Americans all leave on Wednesday Nov 4th, so on Tuesday we will escort them back to Malawi so they can get to the airport Wednesday morning.
Then from a report written shortly after the team had left:
We held an extremely effective 4-day pastor’s seminar in one area, Macanga, with crusades whenever we could, mostly in the evenings. The testimonies from the pastors were very very encouraging. And some additional ministry in or near the mission base in Vila Ulongue.
The Holy Spirit was there in power with many healings and deliverances. In just two days there were 4 deaf people that started hearing and 3 mute people who started speaking, one was both deaf and mute and God healed him of both. I loved the one who came up to the platform with his mother who said that he had not spoken at all in the last 5 years and his first words were to proclaim Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. Throughout the time the team was here we have collected a number of crutches and walking sticks from people who didn’t need them anymore. The Lord gave a word that a lady whose skin in the face was all flaking off would be clear in 3 days, and guess what, she was (don’t know what it was, but it sure made me think of leprosy). We always love seeing the glory of God manisfested on Earth, we usually are honored to be able to see a few of these but this is by far the greatest concentration of healings that I have ever been part of – ALL GLORY TO GOD, PRAISE HIM !!! And the people’s reaction is just as you would expect, they are flocking to Jesus. One of the most encouraging things about all this is that for the first time I sense that the local Macanga pastors are ready and willing to keep introducing Jesus to the lost including the way that He has asked us to.
Mar 16:17 “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new tongues, …, they will place their hands on sick people and they will get well”

Together with such great successes and breakthroughs in the name of Jesus, we were not surprised to see a number of challenges trying to discourage us. In all the time we have been coming to Africa this is the most vehicle breakdows that we have endured. We lost a piston and cylinder head on one of the cars. We had at least 6 tires go flat, including 2 blowouts where the tire seemed to explode – there were children coming from the other side of the road bringing big pieces of rubber. Also many radiator leaks, and a number of fan belts which decided to come off their pulleys. The wife of one of the American missionaries needed to go into hospital back home for a few days with unexplained pain (turned out to be an infection), the mother of another fell ill during the trip. Enesia joined us near the end of the trip and as soon as she arrived started feeling pain like described of the team member’s wife (again, an infection). I was so impressed that through all this, nobody in the team was fazed in the least, we are more than conquerors, and it is encouraging to see how much interest our obedience to God is causing in the enemy’s camp – he’s running scared.
The car issues made this trip much more expensive than expected – we were so totally blessed that one person has donated funds for 8 new tires (4 on bus, and 2 each on the other 2 vehicles). We are entirely at ease that He will supply EVERYTHING that is necessary to complete His work – I suppose that since at this time it is not obvious how He will take care of the activities for the rest of my time here in Africa until mid-December, it will just give Him the pleasure of surprising me, and I will just praise Him that much more.