The Wheresoever Beira Team held a mini-crusade in the village of Munhava near the city of Beira on the east coast of Mozambique. This was a risky event because of the violent protests ongoing across Mozambique after the presidential election. Opposition parties have accused the government of electoral fraud, and the protests have caused government offices and banks to close their doors for weeks. But the grace of God allowed this event to take place without incident, and it yielded 8 persons commiting their lives to Jesus and another 19 re-committing their lives to the Lord.
In these mini-crusades, the team simply sets up a small sound system outside a house and the neighbors are curious and come to attend. Mini-crusades may attract much smaller crowds than the full crusades, but they allow much closer face-to-face contact and require much less cost and planning. And you can see how the holy Spirit opened the door to ample fruit.
The original plans for this event included a 2-day door-to-door outreach in the village and a pastors seminar to be held. But they needed to be cancelled because of the post-election protests. The village was chosen because it had a reputation for a large number of drug addicts, robberies, prostitution and lots of confusion. We pray that through the preaching of the Gospel, that reputation is now a thing of the past.
Report from Beira Team Leader Pastor Tony:
This was our mini crusade last night in the village, we saw the Lord at work though there was still after elections tension in the community but the crusade was successful. 8 people gave their lives to Christ and 19 people were recommitted to the Lord. Thank you for your prayers
The door to door did not take place to the general public strike that was declared by opposition parties so we could not move around in communities as movements were so limited. In the place where we conducted the crusade there are no nearby churches, only bottle stores and bars. Yes, we trust God that the bad reputation of the village will change as the result of this crusade. But I still feel we need to do some more crusades in the same village. We may not manage to do so anytime soon due to financial challenges, but we promised them that we will go there again anytime the Lord allows us to do so.
During the crusade we saw some cigarette, alcohol and drug addicts coming to hear the word of God, and some even came for prayer after the message and they received Jesus as Lord and Savior.