Poeme Rhema video (a prayer for the nations)
Poeme Rhema A prayer for the nations:

Song 1 – “Dance” on Yearnings CD by Alberto Rivera
and Scripture:
Psalm 97:1
Let the earth rejoice!
Let the coastlands be glad!
Psalm 67:3-4
Let all the peoples praise you, O God;
Let all the peoples praise you!
Let the nations be glad and sing- for joy!
Ps. 67 again
Let all the peoples praise you, O God;
Let all the peoples praise you!
Let the nations be glad and sing - for joy!

Psalm 70:4a
May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you!
May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you!
Ps 70:4b-
May those who love your salvation say evermore- God is great!
Ps. 67
Let all the peoples praise you, O God;
Let all the peoples praise you!
Psalm 67 again
Let all the peoples praise you, O God;
Let all the peoples praise you!
Let the nations be glad
Let the nations be glad
Let the nations be glad
and sing for joy!
Let the nations be glad
Let the nations be glad
Let the nations be glad
And sing for joy!
Psalm 70:4b
May those who love your salvation say evermore-
“God is Great!”

“God is Great!”
“God is Great!”
“God is Great!”
"God is Great!”
Psalm 97:1
Let the earth rejoice! Let the coastlands be glad!
2nd song-“ Latter Day” Yearnings CD Alberto Rivera
Heb 1:3 amplified
The sole expression
Of the Glory Of God
The Light Being
The Out-raying
The Radiance of the Divine
The perfect imprint
And very image of God’s nature
Upholding and Maintaining and Guiding and
Propelling the Universe by His mighty Word of Power
Coll 1:16-17 (English Standard)
For by Him all things were created in heaven and on earth
Visible and invisible
whether thrones or dominions Rulers or authorities
all things were created thru Him and for Him
And HE IS before all things
and in Him all things hold together.
II Peter 3: 5b-9
By God’s word the heavens existed
and the earth was formed – and destroyed – by water.
By the same word the present heaven and earth
Are reserved for fire

A day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day
HE IS Patient Not wanting you to perish

But Everyone
to come
to repentance
3rd song –“ Downpour”