
Wheresoever 15th Anniversary Celebration, Nov 2015

UK Flag
UK Flag carried by Charlotte (English)
Charles speaking
Charles' enthusiastic encouragement
as Virginia dances to his message

Testimonies from the nations
Prayer from First Nations representative
(from the Cherokee Nation)

Israeli Dance
Ellen wih the world flag
Praying for France after recent events

We had a wonderful time celebrating 15 years since the beginning of Wheresoever. There was a flag procession of the 41 nations where Wheresoever has ministered, with testimonies, Christian dance and flags-in-worship expressing our thanks to Jesus for His sacrifice and resurrection, and videos from our teams in Africa and the US.  Thank you to all who helped make this happen.



Flag Procession of the 41 nations where Wheresoever has witnessed God's Greatness





















                                     Jesus' throne lifted up                                                                                                           Forever He is glorified
                    "The Blood"                                                          "The Glory"                      Domini and 96-year-old Lili worshipping