Excerpt from Danny’s Report from Malawi, Sep 22 2013
Hi prayer partners. Just wanted to give you a quick update of what's going on in Africa. At this point we still don't have internet access, not working on the phone yet and waiting until Monday for Airtel to fix it, so not sure when you'll see this - but I'm sure that will be soon. We've hit the ground running, barely two days after arriving we've ministered in 4 services/outreaches, have seen a lame lady healed, and a number of deliverances. One of the deliverances was a lady of another faith who accepted Jesus and then was full of faith that Jesus would heal her 2½-year-old lame son - we're waiting to hear when Jesus will do it.
and I arrived in Malawi shortly after noon on Friday, expecting to go down to Blantyre (5 hour ride) immediately from the airport after landing. The Holy Spirit started changing our plans from the moment we landed. Instead of driving down, we decided to visit the Wheresoever outreach in Lilongwe, the capital city of Malawi. Pastor Moses on our team and his wife Eunice have started that outreach to reach the lost in a large area of Lilongwe that has very few Christian churches, and one mosque. The idea is to strengthen the few Christians in the area so that they together with Wheresoever can gather in the harvest.
We were offered to stay in a nice 3-bedroom house in the final stages of construction, so we just left our luggage at the house and went to the service. It didn't even feel strange to start preaching just hours after a day and a half of travel - jet-lagged and exhausted but full of joy and expectation. Near the end of the service we all felt we needed to change our plans to focus on that area until Sunday evening. The next day, on Saturday, there were so many people that we held the service outside, this time Lindy preaching. It was during that service that we prayed for the lady who was in pain, her face down-trodden, and needed to be assisted when she walked. God is so good, she started to 
walk without pain - her little dance as she laughed was very cute. The next day she gave her testimony, confirming no pain at all since the prayer. Thank you Jesus! Today Sunday Lindy preached again at a Hope of Glory church service, and in the afternoon the final outdoor outreach before we leave tomorrow.
Tomorrow Monday we plan to get our visas to enter Mozambique, try to fix the internet with the Malawi sim card, and head down to Blantyre to see Enesia who is still recovering from her kidney surgery. We understand she's so much better than she was, but still feels pain sometimes. We're REALLY looking forward to spend some time with her. Then on Tuesday afternoon we drive to the Foursquare Mozambique National Convention on the east side of Malawi (opposite side from our mission base). I understand that Kenneth, Lindy and I have speaking slots on Wednesday. We hope to run outreaches during the conference.
After th
e conference we're excitedly waiting for Tina and Steve to arrive here from Raleigh on October 3rd., so they can join in everything that God is doing.
So please keep praying for travelling mercies and hearts totally submitted to Jesus. But specifically please pray for Lindy to recover from a bad cold that she got before arriving in Malawi. She's feeling very drained of energy and trying to sleep as much as possible. We know that with her having gone through that, and having seen the enemy's interest in slowing her down, that the next few weeks will be really exciting.