Wheresoever Ministries with Miami Congregation Feb. 22, 2012

Danny, Lindy, and Denise had an invitation to share with a group at the Salvation Army in downtown Miami, mainly a Spanish speaking congregation which started with a wonderful time of praise and worship. Danny shared some background information about Wheresoever and exhorted them in their own individual walk with the Lord.
Lindy encouraged them to continue to use the gifts that the Lord has given them and she emphasized the role the Prayer Team has with Wheresoever, standing in the gap as Teams go out. She encouraged the prayer warriors in the room to keep praying for their ministry.
Denise and Lindy shared a dance to a Spanish song that showed a progression from a place of despair to freedom after the person receives the gift of Christ’s love and how we can trust Him. At the end of the dance the focus turned to reaching out to others as a conduit for them to receive His love also.
We went into a time of prayer and the Lord ministered to them. After the meeting ended, two prayer ladies from the church prayed for Wheresoever in a powerful way and we were greatly uplifted. We were also encouraged by several comments that were made by different people from different age groups that let us know we had been able to share and communicate what the Holy Spirit had led us to bring to them. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch with the leaders – authentic Cuban food!

After the meeting we went on a prayer walk in downtown Miami focusing on the Freedom Tower, which is where refugees fleeing from Cuba arrived in Miami during the 1960s. The U.S. government used the facility to process, document and provide medical and dental services for the newcomers.