
Wheresoever African Team Activities, April 2017

The Wheresoever African team is still busy spreading the Word throughout the land and strengthening the existing Christians.  Outreaches, prayer and raising spiritual maturity with focus on Jesus Christ are some of the activities of the African Team during April.  They're also busy planning and arranging some major evangelistic plans that will be taking place in July and August.

Mazunga Crusade

We held a crusade at the village of Mazunga where Jesus touched souls who had never gone to church. After Christiano preached, people came and accepted Jesus. The sick were prayed for and received healings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


Liveranje Mountain

Prayer is the answer to nearly everything.  When seeking the Lord, Africans often choose to pray on top of a mountain, and fast during the days leading up to it.  The Wheresoever African team led a group of Christians near the mission base in seeking the Lord's direction regarding upcoming evangelistic activities, the need to come closer to Jesus, and other personal concerns.  Liveranje Mountain is in Tsangano District, about 45 minutes from the mission base by car. 

Teaching on the mountain

The team has been tremendously busy praying and conducting crusades to reach the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are teaching all ages to rely on prayer as that is what Jesus did.  After Kenneth’s teaching, all started praying and people got baptized with the Holy Spirit; it was wonderful to see God moving, Praise God. 

Climbing Liveranje Mountain


Foursquare Big Sunday

Big Sundays are the days that many of the Foursquare churches in the area come to worship together.  All these churches have been started as a result of Wheresoever ministry in Mozambique, so it is exciting to see the enthusiasm and hunger for the Lord in these meetings.  This is the first Big Sunday in 2017 and it was amazing - the building is already too small for this group - Just tll the branches around Vila Ulongwe won’t fit in!  It is our prayer that we should enlarge the church because it is very important that each church branch feels like part of the whole, and if all branches are to come then we need to get all the people completely out of the sun. We have started contributing towards this expansion so that we can take care of this without external help, and we pray that it won't take too long. 



Balaka Church in Malawi - Help

The Hope of Glory church in Balaka, Malawi, is struggling.  Christiano, part of the Wheresoever African team pastors the church together with his wife.  The congregation started building this church over two years ago, with no external financial help.  They were able to finish the walls but had not been able to raise enough funds for the roof.  During the rains this last rainy season, the walls collapsed because of the lack of a roof.  They desperately need around $2,500 to rebuild the walls, and still hope to take care of the roof themselves, although some help with that would also be greatly appreciated.  This church is bringing light into a muslim area of Malawi.  In the picture below you can see the stick church that they are currently meeting in, and the fallen down walls around it. Wheresoever has only been able to help with a very small amount, we're praying for more donors.