
Upcoming Events

Praying HandsRaleigh Wheresoever Praise/Prayer Meetings: Every Friday at 7pm   All are welcome!
The Wheresoever House of Prayer in Raleigh, NC, USA is the international base for Wheresoever Ministries. Praise & Prayer Meetings are held every week whether or not Danny and Lindy are in town. The meetings include praise, worship, prayer, teachings, sharing testimonies, etc. We seek the Lord, worship, and intercede for the world, local and global. As Lindy, Danny, and other members of Wheresoever return from the mission field, they are asked to minister, teach, and share their experiences from the journeys. Guest speakers participate occasionally. All are welcome to attend; if you are interested and want to find out more, please send an email to

Mozambique Relief MapMozambique and Malawi African Teams
The Wheresoever African Teams in Mozambique and Malawi continously work tirelessly to bring the Gospel to the lost, to increase the maturity level and enthusiasm for evangelism and discipleship in existing churches, and to train and oversee the work of the many Wheresoever Councils in these nations.  This passionate work takes place year round, whether or not Danny, Lindy or short term mission teams are present.  Many of their activities are included in the "Recent Activities" and "Archives" pages in this website.  Kenneth leads the effort in Mozambique and oversees all the activities in the Southern African nations including Malawi.  Moses leads the team in Central Malawi and Lloyd together with Enesia lead the Southern Malawi team.  When mission teams from USA, England, Brazil or other Western nations go to help and accelerate the progress, the African teams host them and incorporate them into the ongoing activities expanding the Kingdom of God.