
About Us


Wheresoever Ministries, Inc. is a Christian organization that encourages individual and community wholeness including spiritual, physical, mental and environmental aspects. This is stimulated by:

  • Expanding the Kingdom of God by evangelizing and training indigenous teams to continue the work;
  • Encouraging believers through mentoring and promoting fellowship including our own partnering with other ministries;
  • Equipping believers through discipleship, preaching, teaching;
  • Training in practical life skills and business & community development;
  • Meeting the basic needs of impoverished people regardless of their religion.

 Sincere worship and use of the arts are integral attributes of Wheresoever Ministries, Inc.

What We Believe

Following are our beliefs and core values. Wheresoever works shoulder to shoulder with Christians from many denominations.  We recognize that there are many topics in which we may differ, but we choose to concentrate on what we have in common which is summarized in the Nicene Creed.  While we respect and are sensitive to differing views, the "personality" of this ministry is according to the list below.   


Nicene Creed (click HERE to see) 
Salvation through Grace (Eph 2:8,13)
The Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7)
The Bible - Inspired Word of God, true, enduring, unchangeable
                                                           (2 Tim 3:16-17, Matt 24:35) 
New Birth (John 3:3, 2 Cor 5:17)
Baptism with Water and with Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5, 8, Acts 2:4)
Gifts of the Spirit  (1 Cor 12:7-11)
    (wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues)
Divine Healing - God works through us (Mark 16:17-18, James 5:14-16)

Core Values

Great Commission / Evangelism - We are all called
                (Jam 5:20, Mark 16:15-18, Matt 28:18-12)
Witnessing the Power of God brings many into salvation
One Church - work interdenominationally
Led by the Holy Spirit in everything we do
Prayer - our own and covering from others 
Importance of discipleship
God's infinite love for all, Christian or not
Use of the arts in worship and evangelism
The manifest presence of the Holy Spirit


Wheresoever Ministries is a Christian faith-based organization that began in 2000, being called to various places and countries around the world.  We refer to these as “GO Journeys”.  The leaders have led many mission trips and have been invited to preach and teach at conferences, churches, seminars, on the streets and in the bush. Much ministry has resulted from these journeys, both during the journey and in many cases as ongoing ministry after the journey. God has shown His glory in so many ways.  To get a feel for the varied ministry and places, see  What We Do on this website.  At this time, a majority of the ministry effort is going into Mozambique, a project that started in 2004 and has resulted in many thousands of new Christians and hundreds of new churches, and with the help of the Holy Spirit will result in many more, see the Mozambique page.  The teams have prayed, preached, and taught all over the world, and enjoy sharing from their mission journey experiences, as well as give workshops on prayer, movement in worship, and other topics.  This ministry is available by reservation for workshops and lectures in missions, seeking greater intimacy with the Lord, Christian movement and drama worship as well as their mission journey experiences. All funds from these events are used towards Wheresoever Ministries.


Mission Bases

The international headquarters is based in Raleigh, NC, where there is a team of two full-time staff and a number of part-time volunteers.  We also have a mission base in Vila Ulongue, Tete Province, Mozambique which directs all the ministry activities in Mozambique, Malawi and ther rest of Southern Africa.  The African base is manned by a full-time team of up to 10 members, currently all either Mozambique citizens or Malawi missionaries to Mozambique (see the Mozambique page for more information).



Logo USA 
Logo used world-wide outside of Africa
 Logo Moz
Logo used in Mozambique
(Portuguese for "Go Into All the World")
 Logo Malawi
 Logo used in Malawi and the rest of Africa

Wheresoever Ministries is not associated with any denomination and is funded entirely by donations and  grants. The ministry accepts donations world-wide via credit card, PayPal, cash and non-cash, and accepts check donations in the US and UK (see the Get Involved page).

In the USA, Wheresoever is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible.  When the ministry started, it was operated under the umbrella of Hope Chapel, a Foursquare church which was and still is the home church of the founders. In July 2010, the ministry was registered as a nonprofit organization in the USA and was no longer officially linked to Hope Chapel. The ministry is registered in Mozambique under the name “Ide a Todo o Mundo” (Portuguese for “Go Into All the World”).  It is also registered in Malawi under its name in English (“Wheresoever Ministries”).