
What We Do

Wheresoever is and has been involved in many nations and the activities in each can differ widely from one to the next.  In some cases it's a mission trip to encourage the local Christians.  In others, there may be ongoing ministry to a specific people group.  And yet, others like Mozambique become major projects that help to plant hundreds of new churches and many thousands of professions of faith.  That is why our mission statement is very broad.  The diversity of the ministry is evident by looking at Mozambique and the Ministry Map




Our call is to GO
    wheresoever the Lord sends,
        and do whatever He requires,
            praying              worshiping
                teaching             evangelizing
                   preaching           discipling



Our focus is to listen and wait upon the Lord, being obedient to His instruction wheresoever He leadeth....

People all over the world have seen and heard the gospel of Jesus Christ as a result of God’s call to this ministry, accepting Him as Lord and Savior of their lives, and many have been restored from various afflictions and addictions. Much seed has been sown and revival has occurred.

The Lord places a country in our hearts and we pray over the map until He gives the area and the date to GO. Bathed in prayer we journey, responding step by step in obedience to His directing, sometimes not knowing anything that is about to unfold, except there will be an outpouring of His love, a release of His blessings, a reminder of His eternal faithfulness. We watch in great awe as the Lord unfolds the details.

Also, we prayerfully respond to ministry invitations. Our heart’s desire is to usher in the glory of God, so that people’s lives will be changed forever; comforted, saved, healed and delivered.

“…Go back and report
  … what you have seen and heard:
The blind receive sight,
  the lame walk,
    those who have leprosy are
      the deaf hear,
        the dead are raised,
          and the good news is 
            preached to the poor.”

                                Luke 7:22 NIV


Overview of Activities

This is a brief list of our various activities across all nations. Many of them take place in multiple countries:

• Prayer Watch  -  Prayer team of like-minded people all over the world interceding for the target people groups.  Also gathering at the USA mission base with music-led praise and worship, testimonies, and prayer for the Ministries’ activities and for the World.

• Mission Journeys  -  Short term trips (3 days to several weeks) to pray for the local community and the host nation, to preach the Gospel, to teach, to help ongoing local ministry as required, to encourage local Christian believers, to encourage economic development, education, health care and charity.  

• Seminars (International & US)  - Teaching and/or hands on training in any aspect of the Christian faith, including but not limited to teaching/preaching the Gospel, the use of dance, flags and other dramatic arts for worship, evangelism and discipleship, and teaching on our missionary experience. Sometimes seminars are a joint effort with other ministries and/or local churches. 

 Community Outreach  -  Presentation of the Christian Gospel message through music, drama, dance and speech. Ministry to the community through individual and corporate prayer. 

• Leader Mentoring  -  Personal mentoring of team members and local church and denominational leaders.

Activities that currently take place mostly in Mozambique (see Mozambique page)  -  Outreaches & crusades, church planting, distribution of Bibles, organized Bible training, assistance with construction of church buildings, orphan/widow/elderly care, clean water projects (wells), hospital ministry.

• Prison Ministry  -  Presentations to prisoners and guards of the gospel message, gifts of food staples and necessities.  Follow up visits to mentor inmates and guards.  Wheresoever does this in partnership with other ministries in the US, and directly in other countries. 


Mozambique Ministry

Concentrated in the Tete Province of Mozambique there have been well over 100,000 decisions for Christ and good congregational growth in existing churches. Wheresoever has been the catalyst for starting more than 350 new churches across multiple denominations. God has honored us by allowing Wheresoever to witness first hand more


Ministry Map

For a sumary of what God does through this ministry across the world, past and present, visit our Ministry Map page. Additional information about our two ministry bases (USA and Mozambique) is included in the Who We Are page,