Videos and Presentations included in Ministry Overview Page
Ministry Pictorial Presentation (PDF File)
Wheresoever Africa Presentation (Video, 9 min.)
Children Praising the Lord in Katsanha, Mozambique (Video, 1 min.)
Wheresoever Introduction (Video, <2 min.)
"Rest in the Beloved" Worship Dance (Video, 5 min.)
Mozambique Baptisms (Video, 2 min.)
Praise and Worship in Trinidad and Tobago (Video, 4.5 min.)
Wheresoever Christmas Poem (Video, 5 min.)
Additional Resources
Hope Chapel Visit to Mozambique 2012 (Video, 36 min.)
Hope Chapel Visit 2012 Exerpt - Background & C-Section Pain Healing (Video, 4 min.)
Hope Chapel Visit 2012 Exerpt - Outreach & Blind Lady Healed (Video, 5 min.)
Shake the Nations 2012 - Mozambique Wheresoever (Video, 9 min.)
Wheresoever Ministries - Poeme Rhema Prayer (Video, 8.6 min.)
Wheresoever Ministries - "At Rest" Bob Chevallier Singing (mp3, 4:11 min.)